Tlm School Easy Toddler Experiments at Home

Ever wonder how you could teach force and motion in a way that brings science alive for your students? Wish you had a ready-made list of helpful ideas, resources, and lesson plans for teaching force and motion and patterns in motion that align with Next Generation Science Standards?

Wonder and wish no more. I've got you covered.

This post is full of ideas, images, and fun experiments for your students to use while exploring force and motion or patterns in motion.  It may take a bit of time to load up, but it's worth the wait!

In this blog post, we

  • Explain the Third Grade NGSS Standards that address Force & Motion
  • Give examples of anchor charts you can use in your classroom
  • Show you our 5E Units and Science Stations
  • Provide you additional, FREE lesson ideas for teaching force and motion and patterns in motion, including:
    • Demonstrations and experiments for Force and Motion
    • Books to teach about Force and Motion
    • Videos you can show your students about Force and Motion
17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

For all of our science resources, we follow the Next Generation Science Standards.


They are the national standards for science and many states have adopted them as their state standards.  The NGSS also give us a solid foundation on which to build our grade level lessons that will meet the needs of most teachers across the US.

Here is an explanation of how we have used the NGSS to plan for our Force and Motion and Patterns in Motion Science Resources.

NGSS Third Grade Forces and Interactions Science Standards

We wrote a blog post on How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards that outlines where to start when reading, interpreting, and teaching the NGSS. It is a great place to start if teaching with the NGSS is new for you.

The ideas and resources in this blog post align with the Next Generation Science Standards for Third Grade 3-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions. For this blog post, ideas and activities for 3-PS2-1 (balanced and unbalanced forces) and 3-PS2-2 (patterns in motion) are combined.

Below is a description of how each individual Performance Expectation (PE) and Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI) align and relate to each other.

3-PS2-1  Force and Motion:Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object.

It aligns with the first part of each DCI:

  • PS2.A: Forces and MotionEach force acts on one particular object and has both strength and a direction. An object at rest typically has multiple forces acting on it, but they add to give zero net force on the object. Forces that do not sum to zero can cause changes in the object's speed or direction of motion.
  • PS2.B: Types of InteractionsObjects in contact exert forces on each other.

3-PS2-2  Patterns in Motion:Make observations and/or measurements of an object's motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict future motion.

It aligns with the second part of the first DCI:

  • PS2A: Forces and MotionThe patterns of an object's motion in various situations can be observed and measured; when that past motion exhibits a regular pattern, future motion can be predicted from it.

Okay . . . that is the technical stuff.  Now that it is out of the way . . . we can focus on the how to teach force and motion and how to teach patterns in motion.

  • Force and Motion Third Grade Science Stations

    Force and Motion Third Grade Science Stations


  • Patterns in Motion 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade

    Patterns in Motion 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade


  • Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade

    Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade


Anchor Chart for Force and Motion

One of the first things we do with students is create anchor charts to show them the big ideas or main concepts you want them to understand for each scientific concept.

The anchor chart for Balanced and Unbalanced Forces focuses on these concepts:

  • Forces can be balanced and unbalanced
  • Unbalanced forces make objects move
  • Balanced forces make objects sit still
  • A force is a push or a pull on an object
  • More than one force can act on an object
  • Friction slows an object down
  • Gravity is a force that pulls things down to Earth

These are the same big ideas that are included in the 5E Units.

17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

Anchor Chart for Patterns in Motion

This anchor chart for Patterns in Motion focuses on:

  • A force is a push or a pull on an object
  • Some things have a pattern in their motion
  • A pendulum is a weight.  It hangs from a fixed point
  • Friction is a force that slows things down
  • Gravity is a force that pulls things down to Earth
17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

5E Units for Balanced and Unbalanced Forces & Patterns in Motion

We have written 5E Units for each of the Third Grade NGSS Standards.  You can read more about the 5E Units in this blog post.  The photos in that blog post are from the Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 5E Unit.

We have two units for force and motion: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces and Patterns in Motion.  Each unit follows the 5E Instructional Model, which has five components, Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend and Evaluate.

Refer to the 5E Units blog post to find out more information about the units. Below are a couple of pictures from the Forces and Motion Unit.

17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

The above photo is part of the Explain section where students learn about forces.

17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

The above photo is from the Extend section where students play a game with classmates asking and answering questions about forces.

Here are the 5E Units for Balanced and Unbalanced Force and Patterns in Motion.

  • Patterns in Motion 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade

    Patterns in Motion 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade


  • Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade

    Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade


Science Stations for Force and Motion

We also have 8 Different Science Stations for Force and Motion.  The science station units include vocabulary cards and 8 stations.  Each station engages students in hands-on activities designed to experience force and motion science concepts.

  • Force and Motion Third Grade Science Stations

    Force and Motion Third Grade Science Stations


During the Force and Motion Science Stations students engage in the following activities:

  • Watch one of two videos (see below)
  • Play one of two video games (see below)
  • Investigate Balloon Races
  • Diagram a New Slide
  • Read about Force
  • Model a Ball Track
  • Explore Pinwheels
  • Sort Push and Pull forces
17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

Here is an example of the Balloon Races.  In this Investigate station, the teacher sets up a string between two sets of chairs with a straw attached to it.  Balloons are attached to each, blown up and then let go.  Students race to see which balloon finishes first.

Additional Lesson Ideas for Teaching Forces and Motion and Patterns in Motion

While we have written resources for teaching Force and Motion and Patterns in Motion, there are many more ideas that you can use in your classroom without purchasing our units and science stations.  Below are ideas for demonstrations and experiments, books, and videos to enhance your science lessons.

Demonstrations and Experiments for Learning About Force and Motion

Below is a list of a variety of FREE experiments, activities, and ideas to teach students about force and motion and patterns in motion.  These can be adapted for different grade levels, but focus on middle elementary grade students.

Some of the below ideas could also become engineering challenges for students if you present them with open-ended questions, materials and allow time to explore and create.

Set up Dominoes

This is a great demonstration for balanced and unbalanced forces and a way to work in some high-level science vocabulary.

17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

Race Cars Down a Ramp

Change variables such as using a different texture on wheels or on the ramp.  Adjust the height of the ramp.  And use different weights of cars.  This experiment can also make a great engineering challenge.

Make a Mousetrap Car

For making a mousetrap car, you'll want to help students with the mousetrap.  This is a great experiment using everyday objects to construct a car.

Here are a few photos from Instagram demonstrating how it works:

Do an Egg Drop Activity

You're likely familiar with egg drop activities.  The basic idea is to construct something that cushions the fall of an egg.  You can change the variables such as the height from which the egg falls.

Make a Catapult

Change variables such as the different strength of catapult, different lengths of levers, and different weight of projectiles.  This is also a great STEM engineering challenge if students catapult into a target.

Make a Rube Goldberg Machine

Are you ever transfixed by those videos where people create chain reactions with simple machines to complete basic tasks?  That's a Rube Goldberg Machine.  This would make another great engineering challenge.

Here's a few examples from YouTube:

This is one of my favorite Rube Goldberg demonstrations.  It is by a popular band, OK Go.  You'll want to watch it first, before showing it to your students but it's an awesome video that might inspire creativity in your classroom.

Make a Marshmallow Shooter

Making a marshmallow shooter is a fun experiment!  It's edible, too!  It requires a few pieces of PVC pipe and some marshmallows.

This photo below is a simple version with cups and balloons.

Here are some that are made with PVC pipe and a little more complicated.  You could have kids aim at a target or even color code the marshmallows and measure the distances.

Here's another example of what the marshmallow launchers could look like.

Make a Balancing Robot

This is an easy experiment using just paper.  The link, Balancing Robot, above has a printout you can download and do with your students tomorrow!

Create Marble Art

Make it a STEAM project by adding marble art.  Extend the unit to learn about simple machines

Research Newton's Three Laws of Motion

If you want to take it up a notch and extend students' learning, this website will help them learn about Newton's Three Laws of Motion.  It describes each law in kid-friendly language and includes links to more information about each concept.

Color Pictures About Famous Physicists

This famous physicists coloring book is a fun, FREE resource that teaches students about famous scientists, many of whom researched forces and motion.

Books to Teach about Force and Motion

We wrote an entire blog post about 12 books you can use to engage students about force and motion.  You can read more about it here.  Below are images of some of the books in the blog post.

Videos about Force and Motion and Patterns in Motion

We have included videos and activities for Force and Motion in our 5E Units and Science Stations. Those activities include differentiated questions to ask your students and ways for students to respond to the videos.  Here are two videos and two video games that are part of our science stations.

  • Watch a Video about Force & Swings, Slides & Science
  • Play a Video Game about Surface Tension & Friction
17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience
17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

Below are additional videos you can use in your classroom to explore and engage students in learning about forces and motion.

  • Force and Motion Science Trek, PBS
  • SciShow Kids (many different videos on forces and motion, about 3.5 minutes long)
  • TedEd video on Newton's 3 Laws
  • TedEd video on perpetual motion machines
  • Ruff Ruffman videos

Teaching force and motion and patterns in motion can be a daunting task, but these lessons, teaching ideas, and resources will give you a head start!

  • Patterns in Motion 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade

    Patterns in Motion 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade


  • Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade

    Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 5E Unit for Force and Motion Third Grade


  • Force and Motion Third Grade Science Stations

    Force and Motion Third Grade Science Stations


Mystery Science Resources

I love using Mystery Science to enhance my instruction.  Here are a few lessons that align well with Force and Motion and Patterns in Motion:

  • Invisible Forces
  • Force Olympics

Quick Links to the Forces and Motion Products Above

  • 5E Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Unit
  • 5E Patterns in Motion Unit
  • Force and Motion Science Stations
17 fun ideas and resources for teaching force and motion. Includes demonstrations, experiments, science stations, and lessons that will engage students in learning about balanced and unbalanced forces and patterns in motion. These teaching ideas will help you teach the NGSS standards. #forceandmotion #patternsinmotion #NGSS #elementaryscience #science #physicalscience

Check out more Science Resources

Teaching Ideas for Force & Motion and Patterns in Motion


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